Welcome to Andy Jewell's Vintage Dancing-Other_Language Bibliography
Last updated 21 Dec 1998. 167 entries in this category out of 1340 entries total.

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Adice, G. LeopoldTheorie de la Gymnastique de la Danse Theatrale1859FT1859, Paris
Agron, Sle Costume Masculin1969FT1969, Paris, Librairie Jacques Lanore
Albin Michel, ed.Les Danses Nouvelles Apprises Sans Professeur1921cFrParis
Alerme, P. E.De la danse, considérée sous le rapport de l'éducation physique, par P.-E. Alerme.1830FL#229 Paris, Les Marchands de nouveautés, 1830. An important early nineteenth-century physiology of dance, the author provides extensive discussion on the importance of dance. Numerous extractions from Alerme's text can be found throughout later nineteenth-century dance literature. 114 p. 21 cm.;LOC: GV1595.A4
Ambrosio, GiovanniDe Practica Seu Arte Tripudii Vulgare Opusculum1465cFrParis Ms.
Anon.Contre-Danses A Paris (manuscript)1818FrParis
Anon.La Mazurka (illustrated, with music)1848cFrParis
Anon.Les Mémoires Du Bal Mabille1864FRParis
Arbeau, Thoinot (1519-1595)Orchesographie. Et traicte en forme de dialogue, par lequel toutes personnes peuvent facilement apprendre & practiquer l'honneste exercice des dances. Par Thoinot Arbeau demeurant à Lengres1589FLPr#219 Lengres, Imprimé par Iehan des Preyz, 1589. Written by a French cleric, Jehan Tabourot, in the form of a dialogue between a dancing master and his student and originally published in 1588, this manual is an important tool in the understanding of late sixteenth-century French social dance. The manual provides critical information on social ballroom behavior and on the interaction of musicians and dancers. The book's usefulness is also enhanced by a notation system that correlates the music to the dance steps. Orchesographie discusses a full spectrum of late Renaissance dance including the galliard, pavane, branle, volta, morisque, gavotte, allemande, and courante. 104 p 21 cm. Also transl, Cyril W. Beaumont, 1925 Beaumont, London. Also 1968, NY, Dance Horizons, Inc. Also transl, Mary Stewart Evans, 1948. Reprint with new introduction and notes by John Sutton, 1967, NY, Dover Publications, Inc.;LOC: GV1590.T3 1589a Rosenwald Coll.
Bacquoy-Guédon, AlexisMéthode pour exercer l'oreille a la mesure, dans l'art de la danse. Par M. Bacquoy-Guédon1785FLTp#184 Amsterdam, Et se trouve á Paris, chez Valade 1785. In part one of this treatise, Bacquoy-Guédon (fl. 1780) presents, a short history of dance as well as arguments in favor of dancing. The focus of this section is devoted to performance of contredanses and minuets. Part two contains eight-bar triple-meter airs for minuets and eight-bar duple-meter airs for contredanses, all composed for a single treble instrument. Additional music is included for a variant of the contredanse called the contredanse allemande (in triple-meter); a marche, and two rigaudons. The treatise concludes with a diagram of figures and music for the minuet. 56 p 21 cm. Also reprint 1972, Geneva Minkoff.;LOC: GV1751.B15
Bacquoy-GuedonConsiderations sur la danse du Menuet, 2nd ed.xxxxFpn.d.
Ballard, C.Brunetes... Chansons a Danser1704Fp1704 MUSIC
Ballard, C.Le Rondes, Chansons a Danser1724Fp1724 MUSIC
Baron, Auguste Alexis (1794-1862)Lettres a Sophie Sur La Danse, suivies D'entretiens sur les danses ancienne, moderne, religieuse, civile et theatrale1825FL#224 Paris, Dondey-Dupré Père et fils, 1825. Essentially a history of Greek, Roman, and early religious dance, and French court dance, the text is drawn from numerous writers, including Mme. Elise Voiart, Joseph Juste Scaliger, Claude François Ménestrier, Louis de Cahusac, Diderot, and Jean-Georges Noverre. The first part of this book comprises seven letters written by Baron during 1821 and 1822. The second part takes the form of conversations with Sophie and, occasionally, two more participants named Heraclite and Démocrite. 344 p 22 cm;LOC: GV1590.B3
Bense, JacquesLes Danses en Vogue1967FT1967, Paris, Editions Bornemann
Blasis, CarloManual Complet De La Danse1830FRParis
Blasis, CarloTraité Elementaire... De L'Art De La Danse1820IrMilan
Blasis, Carlo (1803-1878)Nouveau manuel complet de la danse; ou, Traité théorique et pratique de cet art depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, par Blasis1866FLR#020 Paris, Roret, 1866. Although attributed to Italian dancer, choreographer, and writer Carlo Blasis, this manual contains an abridgement of Blasis's writing on the subject of social dance as published in The Code of Terpsichore (1830). The manual's discussion of specific dances is augmented by M. Lemaitre and includes quadrilles, the waltz, polka, schottisch, polka-mazurka, redowa and cotillon. 2 p.l., iv, 111, [1] p. 16 cm;LOC: GV1751.B6 1866
Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von (1690-1774)Schriftsmässige beantwortung der frage: Was von dem weltüblichen tanzen und spielen zu halten sey und ob es nicht mit zur christlichen freyheit gehöre? als ein anhang zu den betrachtungen von der freyheit der gläubigen vom gesetz auf verlangen entworfen und in druck gegeben von Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky1750GL#022 Halle, In verlag des Wäysenhauses, 1750. This manual is an early German example of the literature against the practice of dancing. In this case, Bogatzky (1690-1774) compares gambling with dancing, and asks the reader to consider these practices in the context of Scripture, especially the Ten Commandments. 192 p. 18 cm.;LOC: GV1590.B7
Boiseul, JeanTraité contre les danses. Par Jean Boiseul1606FL#023 La Rochelle, Les heritiers de Hierosme Havltin, 1606. An early example of an antidance treatise, this manual provides a foundation for arguments that continued to the end of the nineteenth century--that dancing is a sin against God. Much of Boiseul's argument is based on biblical examples (chapters and verses are noted in the margins of each page). While acknowledging that dance is mentioned in the Bible, the author is quick to point out that the dances were "joyous and spontaneous" and very different from the seventeenth-century social dances of his day. The courante, branle, and galliard come under specific attack. Additionally, Boiseul makes particularly strong arguments against the dances of non-Christian "savages." 50 p. 16 cm.;LOC: GV1740.B7
Bonem, Natal JacomeTratado dos principaes fundamentos da dança, obra muito util, naõ sómente para esta mocidade, que quer aprender a dançar bem, mais ainda para as pessoas honestas, e polidas, as quaes ensina as regras para bem andar, saudar, e fazer todas as cortezias, que convem em as assembleas adonde o uzo do mundo a todos chama ... Por Natal Jacome Bonem1767PL#024 Coimbra, Na Officina dos irmaós Ginhoens, 1767. Portuguese dancing master Bonem's manual borrows from the work of contemporary French sources, including dancing masters Guillaume-Louis Pecour and Pierre Rameau. The manual's fourteen chapters focus on dance in the court of Louis XIV and include discussion on feet positions, bows appropriate for various occasions, and the steps and arm positions for the minuet. 6 p l, 3-138 p, 3 l. 16 cm;LOC: GV1590.B73
BonnetHistoire Generale de la Danse Sacre et Profane1723FpParis 1723 Chez d'Houry fils
Bosshardt-Strübi, J. R.Leitfaden für den tanz- & körperbildungs-unterricht mit anleitungen über den gesellschaftlichen verkehr. 14 tafeln mit 118 figürlichen und choregraphischen darstellungen. Bearbeitet von J. R. Bosshardt-Strèubi1897GL#201 Zürich, Juchli & Beck, 1897. This manual opens with a brief history of dance and continues with descriptions of feet positions, and figures for quadrilles and "La Polonaise" (also known as the grand march). Round dances such as schottisch, waltz, and polka are also included. The manual is enhanced by fourteen full-page illustrations. 109 p 18 cm.;LOC: GV1751.B68
Bottallo, Barthélemy GGuide du bon danseur, par le professeur B.-G. Bottallo1912FL#236 Paris Imp. Jouve & cie 1912. This manual contains directions for a dances that were popular during at the end of the nineteenth century including the Berline, Badoise polka, and les patineurs. Botallo also includes directions for several specialty dances such as "La Marocaine," and "Danse des Tambourins." The author includes many quadrille and cotillon figures, although neither dance was often performed in the ballroom by 1912. Acknowledging that other dances were more popular, the author includes three figures for a Tango-Argentine. 187 p 16 cm.;LOC: GV1593.B6
Boucher, P. & P. GaffetToutes Les Danses pour tous1928FTr1928, Paris, Amand Girard
Boulenger, JacquesDe La Walse Au Tango1920FRParis
Bourgeois, EdmondTraité pratique et théorique de la danse, par Edmond Bourgeois1909FL#235 Paris, Garnier frères 1909. As was common practice during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, much of this text was borrowed from other writers. The author begins with a general history of dance and proceeds with an explanation of terms found in dance such as les grands battements and ronds de jambes. The manual contains directions for many Renaissance and Baroque dances including La Pavane, and, although the author quotes from Thoinot Arbeau's Orchesographie of 1588, the directions for performance are strictly a nineteenth-century interpretation. Bourgeois's manual also covers nineteenth-century social dances and he provides the history and directions for dances such as the waltz, polka, mazurka, and quadrille. 466 p 20 cm.;LOC: GV1593.B65
Brieux Saint-Laurent, vicomte deQuelques mots sur les danses modernes, par le vte de B. Saint-Laurent1863FL#026 Paris, C. Douniol, 1863. This is a fourth edition of a book that acknowledges other antidance tracts including Boullay's Réforme de las danse des salons; Gustave Louis's Physiologie de l'opinion, and La Chrétienne de nos jours by l'Abbé Bautain. The author notes, with some disdain, that the waltz was introduced into France "par les impures du Directoire" (p. 8). The polka also receives criticism. 6 p. 16 cm.;LOC: GV1649.B75 1863
Burette, Pierre Jean (1665-1747)Prima, e seconda memoria per servire alla istoria del ballo degli antichi, del signor Burette. N.° II1746IL#032 Venezia, 1746. In this history of dance, Burette (1665-1747) presents an extensive discussion on Greek and Roman dance, basing his information on literary references such as the Iliad and authors such as Lucian. Included in the discussion are tragic and serious ballet, satire, and pantomime. While this text illuminates the importance of Greek and Roman influence on the arts of the mid-eighteenth century, modern dance scholars will find many interpretive and factual errors. 1 p.l., 33-44, 33-42 p. 25 x 19 cm;LOC: GV1607.B8
Cahusac, Louis deLa danse ancienne et moderne, ou Traité historique de la danse. Par m. de Cahusac1754FL#034 A La Haye [i.e. Paris] chez J. Neaulme, 1754. This three-volume work on dance history describes dance from its origins through the court fêtes of Louis XIV. Volume one stresses the importance of studying the theories of all the arts and covers the dance history of numerous ancient civilizations including Greek, Roman, Turkish, and Egyptian. Volume two describes the renaissance of the arts and the origins of ballet to 1610. Volume three focuses on dance in the court of Henri IV and the establishment of French opera. Cahusac borrows heavily from other writers, especially Philippe Quinault. Although by twentieth-century scholastic standards, Cahusac's interpretations may be problematic, the work formed the foundation for much of the writing on dance history until the twentieth century. 3 v 14 cm;LOC: GV1600.C2
Caroso, Marco FabrizioIl ballarino di M. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, diuiso in due trattati; nel primo de' quali si dimostra la diuersità de i nomi, che si danno à gli atti; & mouimenti, che interuengons ne i balli: & con molte regole si dichiara come debbano farsi. Nel secondo s'insegnano diuerse sorti di balli, & balletti sì all' vso d'Italia, come à quello di Francia, & Spagna. Ornato di molte figure. Et con l'intauolatura di liuto nella sonata di ciascun ballo, & il soprano della musica alla maggior parte di essi. Opera nuouamente mandata in luce1581ILpr#230 In Venetia, Appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1581. This manual is one of the most important documents detailing late-Renaissance Italian court dance. Dancing master Fabritio Caroso (died 1605) describes fifty-four steps, provides rules for style and etiquette, and contains specific choreographies for eighty dances, most of which are designed for one couple. Many dances are preceded by full-page illustrations and each dance is provided with appropriate music notated in Italian lute tablature. Fabritio Caroso is also the author of an additional dance manual, Nobiltà di dame (1600; 1605). 2 v 23 x 18 cm;LOC: MT950.C25 1581
Caroso, Marco FabrizioNobiltà di dame del Sr. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino. Nuouamente dal proprio auttore corretto, ampliato di nuoui balli, di belle regole, & alla perfetta theorica ridotto: con le creanze necessarie á caualieri, e dame. Aggiontoui il basso, & il soprano della musica: & con l'intauolatura del liuto á ciascun ballo. Ornato di vaghe & bellissime figure in rame1600ILp#199 In Venetia, Presso il Muschio, 1600. Ad instantia dell'auttore. In this significant manual detailing late-Renaissance Italian court dance, dancing master Caroso redefines and, in some cases, corrects information found in his first treatise, Il ballarino (1581). The manual gives rules for sixty-eight steps and contains specific choreographies for forty-nine dances. Many dances are preceded by full-page illustrations and each dance is provided with appropriate music written in Italian lute tablature and/or mensural notation. This manual was reissued in 1630 under the title, Raccolata di variji balli. 370 p 25 cm.;LOC: MT950.C25 1600
Caroso, Marco FabrizioRaccolta di varij balli fatti in occorrenze di nozze, e festini da nobili cavalieri, e dame di diuerse nationi. Nuouamente ritrouati negli scritti del sig. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta ... Data alle stampe da Gio. Dini, arrichita di bellissime figure in rame. Con aggiunta del basso, e soprano della musica, & intauolatura di liuto a ciascun ballo.1630ILIn Roma, Appresso Guglielmo Facciotti. 1630. Adinstanza di Gio. Dini, libraro all'insegna della Gatta in Nauona. This book contains many detailed illustrations of people in dance poses. Prevalent throughout are musical examples, written in ordinary tablature and lute tablature, to accompany the description of dances. A re-issue of "Il Ballarino". In Italian. 2 p.l., [16], 370, [6] p. illus. (incl. port.) 25 cm.;LOC: MT950.C25 1630
Cellarius, HenriLa danse des salons / par Cellarius ; dessins de Gavarni ; gravés par Lavieille1847FLPRTj#038 Paris : Chez l'auteur, also 1849. Also Jerome Millon, 1993, Vaucanson, Grenoble. Originally published in 1847, the manual provides important information on mid-nineteenth-century ballroom dance. Following a format utilized by many manuals, the work begins with introductory comments on dance, followed by a description of the French quadrille. This is folllowed by discussion of round dances--the polka, numerous waltzes including waltze à trois temps and waltze à deux temps--as well as steps and figures for another type of quadrille known as the mazurka quadrille. The manual contains eighty-three figures for a series of dance games, called the cotillon (also known as the German or German cotillon). Nine full-page prints by Gavarini enhance the manual. The manual was published in English as The drawing-room dances (1847). 174 p, 11 leaves of plates : ill; 25 cm;LOC: GV1751.C37
ChamAu Bal De L'Opera1850cFRParis
Charbonnel, RaoulLa danse. Comment on dansait, comment on danse. Technique de Mme Berthe Bernay ... notation musicale de MM. Francis Casadesus et Jules Maugué. Illustrations de M. Valvérane1899FL#041 Paris, Garnier frères 1899. This manual is an extensive history of dance that incorporates many countries, cultures, and periods including Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, ancient Gaul, European Renaissance, and Baroque. The manual also covers popular culture, peasant dance, and "foreign dance." The perspective of this manual is clearly nineteenth century, with little emphasis on historical fact. The point of view is clearly western, and this is evident in the music examples that accompany almost every country or culture's entry--all have been subjected to western notation and are arranged in late nineteenth-century grand musical style. Additionally, the text includes numerous illustrations and, no matter the country or culture, the figures are physically shaped to look like late nineteenth-century western ladies and gentlemen. ix, 418 p front, illus, 28 cm;LOC: GV1601.C6
Charles, DToutes Les Dances Modernes1925?FT1920's, Paris, S. Bornemann
Charles, Prof. D.Toutes Les Danses Modernes1927cFRParis
CharmMadame De Pompernicle1845cFRParis
Chistiakov, Aleksandr DmitrievichMetodicheskoe rukovodstvo k obucheniiu tantsam v sredne-uchebnykh zavedeniiakh : s prilozheniem rukovodstva dlia dirizherov s 157-iu figurami dlia kadrilia, mazurki, val'sa, pol'ki i kotil'ona : posobie dlia uchitelei tantsev v kadetskikh korpusakh / sostavil A.D. Chistiakov1893RL#042 S.-Peterburg : [s.n.], 1893. This is an important Russian manual describing social dance practices including descriptions of the basic movements and positions used in ballroom dance and various dance types including the polka, waltz, and mazurka. The book incorporates a discussion of the dance instruction in athletic programs and for young men in military academies. Numerous photographs enhance the manual. 189 p. 23 cm;LOC: GV1751.C43
Clarchies, Louis Julien (1769-1814)Recueil des contre-danses et walzes / par Louis Julien Clarchies1815?FL#043 A Paris : Chez Frere, [179-?-1815?]. Consists of recueils 12-13, 16-17, 20, 23, 25-26, and 28 bound together in reverse numerical order; only recueil 28 has retained its t.p. Between recueils 23 and 20 is bound a similar unidentified vol. (without pl. no.) containing contre-danses by Julien (Clarchies) and 4 other composers and unattributed waltzes. 1 score (30[?] v) 19 cm;LOC: M286.C53 A13 1790z
Closson, ErnestLe Manuscript Dit des Basses Dances de la Biblilotheque de Bourgogne1912FTSociete'des Bibliophiles et Iconophiles de Belgique, NY, Broude Brothers. Also reprint 1976, Geneve, Minkoff Reprint.
Compan, CharlesDictionnaire De Danse1787FrParis
Coralli, Perrot & Robert, afterLa Polka, Enseignee Sans Maitre1845cFrParis
Cornazano, AntonioLibro Dell'Arte Del Danzare1455IrRome Ms.
Czerwinski, AlbertGeschichte der tanzkunst bei den cultivirten völkern von den ersten anfängen bis auf die gegenwärtige zeit. Von Albert Czerwinski. Mit 34 in den text gedruckten abbildungen und 9 alten tanzmelodien.1862GL#052 Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1862. In this vast history of dance, Czerwinski discusses the origins of dance with Greek and Roman examples and continues with a description of the dances in many countries including Spain, France, Germany, England, Scotland, Sweden, Holland, Poland, Japan and Turkey. Specific dances include the galliard, galop, menuet, quadrille, waltz, and tarantella. Although the scholarship is flawed by contemporary standards, the work is part of a large body of literature that influenced the writing of dance history through the end of the nineteenth century. viii, 264 p 18 cm;LOC: GV1601.C8
Desrat, GTraité de la danse, contenant la théorie et l'histoire des danses anciennes et modernes, avec toutes les figures les plus nouvelles du cotillon, par Desrat. Illustré de nombreuses gravures.1900FLPTj#056 Paris, H. Delarue et cie [190-?]. Desrat begins his work with a description of dances that were still in vogue at the turn of the century: Boston waltz, cake walk, Berlin, pas de patineurs, and Washington-Post (a two step). A history of ancient dance follows and the discussion begins with Greek and Roman origins; this is followed by a discussion of "modern dances," which Desrat describes as pavane, gavotte, branle, and the minuet. Much of Desrat's historical text is borrowed heavily from previously published sources including Élise Voirat's 1823 Essai sur la danse antique et moderne. 206 p 16 cm;LOC: GV1593.D5
Desrat, G.Dictionnaire De La Danse1895FRParis
Desrat, G.Le Cotillon, Vade-Mecum1882FRParis
Desrat, G.Methode De Danse De Salon, Avec Musique1863cFRParis
Desrat, G.Traité De La Danse Et Du Cotillon1883FRParis (also c. 1892)
DezaisPremier livre de Contre-dances a quqtre, a six & a huit1725FpParis 1725 Chez le Sr. Dezais
DezaisRecueil de Nouvelles Contredances1712FPWestmead,U.K. 1972 Gregg Int. Pub.
Dezais, SrRecueil de Danses1713FT1713, (c. 1713-1720, French Baroque)
Dezais, Sr.Recueil De Nouvelles Contradances Mises En Choregraphie1712FrParis
Dezais, Sr.Recueil de Nouvelles Contredances1712FTreprint 1972, England, Gregg International Publishers, Ltd.
Di Esquivel Navarro, JuanDiscursos Sobre el Arte del Danzado1642STpAlso reprint 1947, Madrid, Associacion de Libreros y Amigos del Libro.
Dufort, Giovanni BattistaTrattato del ballo nobile di Giambatista Dufort, indirizzato all' eccellenza delle signore dame, e de' signori cavalieri napoletani1728ILTpr#060 Napoli, Nella stamperia di F. Mosca, 1728. Part one of this text consists of thirty-four chapters devoted to instructions for steps required in Italian Baroque dance including pirola (pirouette), sfuggito (echappé), passo unite (assemblé), and cadente (tombé). Each step is fully described and notated in Feuillet notation, the dance notation system first published by French choreographer Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. The second part of the manual contains six chapters devoted to performance of the minuetto (minuet) and concludes with a section on the contradanza (contredanse) and riverenze (bows). 12 p.l., 160 p. diagrs. 18 cm. Also reprint 1972, England, Gregg International Publishers, Ltd.;LOC: GV1590.D8
Duncan, Raymond (1874-1966)La danse et la gymnastique, par Raymond Duncan; conférence faite le 4 mai 1914, à l'Université hellénique, Salle de géographie1914FL#062 Paris, Akademia Raymond Duncan, 1914. Originally an address, given by the brother of famed dancer, Isadora Duncan, at a conference in May 1914 at the Université Hellenique, Duncan discusses the renaissance and importance of gymnastics and the systems of physical culture based on Greek models. 18 p 22 cm;LOC: GV1798.D8
Ebreo, GuglielmoDe Pratica Seu Arte Tripudii. On the Practice or Art of Dancing by Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro1463IrtParis. Translation 1993 Oxford: Clarendon Press. Sparti, Barbara, ed.
Ebreo, GuglielmoTrattato Dell'Arte Del Ballo...1465cIrFlorence Ms, Zambrini ed
Feldtenstein, C. J. vonErweiterung der kunst nach der chorographie zu tanzen, tänze zu erfinden, und aufzusetzen; wie auch anweisung zu verschiedenen national-tänzen; als zu englischen, deutschen, schwäbischen, pohlnischen, hannak- masur-kosak- und hungarischen; mit kupfern; nebst einer anzahl englischer tänze. Von C. J. v. Feldtenstein1772GLP#066 Braunschweig, 1772. Originally published in 1767 under the title Die Kunst nach der Choregraphie zu Tänze, Feldtenstein's manual utilizes text and tables to describe basic steps. The work includes figures for country dances and quadrilles, and a variety of national dances as well as figures and music for four contredanses. This manual is especially important for its description of the minuet as a duet and its subsequent change into a group dance. 109 p 17 cm;LOC: GV1601.F3
Fertiault, F.Histoire De La Danse1854FRParis
Fertiault, Francois (1814-1915)Histoire anecdotique et pittoresque de la danse chez les peuples anciens et modernes ... Par F. Fertiault1854FL#068 Paris, A. Aubry, 1854. Large portions of this manual on the history of dance are borrowed from other sources including Mme Élise Voiart's Essai sur la danse. The author begins with an examination of Greek and Roman dance and continues through the court dances of Louis XII and Catherine de Médicis. The discussion on French theatrical dance includes mention of two well-known ballerinas, Fanny Elssler and Fanny Cerrito. A wide range of Renaissance and Baroque dances is discussed including the gavotte, pavane, sarabande, chaconne, and gailliard. This manual is typical of other similar publications in that substantial discussion is given to dance practices in foreign lands including China, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Hungary, and Russia. 128 p 16 cm;LOC: GV1601.F43
Feuillet, Pecour,etc.Annual Collections1720FpParis 1700-1720
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710)Chorégraphie ou L'art de décrire la dance par caracteres, figures et signes desmonstratifs avec lesquels on apprend facilement de soy même toutes ortes de dances. Par Mrs Feuillet et Dezais1700FLT#072 Paris, Chez le Sr Dezais, 1713. Originally published in 1700, this manual details a dance notation system that indicates the placement of the feet and six basic leg movements: plié, releveé, sauté, cabriole, tombé, and glissé. Changes of body direction and numerous ornamentations of the legs and arms are also part of the system. The system is based on tract drawings that trace the pattern of the dance. Additionaly, bar lines in the dance score correspond to bar lines in the music score. Signs written on the right or left hand side of the tract indicate the steps. Choréographie was reprinted three times and translated into English by John Weater in 1706. 95 p 24 cm. Also 1700 Forni nel Giugno editor, Bologna. Also 1968, NY, Broude Brothers.;LOC: GV1590.F5
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710)Per. recueil de danses de bal pour l'année 1703. De la composition de m. Pecour, et mis au jour par m. Feüillet1702FL#211 Paris, Le sieur Feüillet [etc.] 1702. This treatise contains two duets choreographed by French dancer and choreographer Guillaume-Louis Pecour (c. 1653-1729) and notated in the eighteenth-century notation system first published by Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. The system is based on tract drawings that trace the pattern of the dance. Additionally, bar lines in the dance score correspond to bar lines in the music score. Signs written on the right or left hand side of the tract indicate the steps. 27 p 22 cm.;LOC: GV1590.F53
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710)Recueil de dances, composées par mr. Feuillet1709FLT#073 Paris, L'auteur, 1709. Full-page diagrams; at head of each, the tune for the dance figure represented. 84 p 24 cm;LOC: GV1590.F5
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710)Recueil de dances contenant un tres grand nombres, des meillieures entrées de ballet de Mr. Pecour, tant pour homme que pour femmes, dont la plus grande partie ont été dancées á l'Opera. Recueillies et mises au jour par Mr. Feüillet1704FLPT#198 Paris, Chez le sieur Feüillet, 1704. This treatise includes six solo dances for women; eight for men; and seventeen duets for a man and a woman, two women, or two men, all choreographed by French dancer and choreographer, Guillaume-Louis Pecour (c. 1653-1729). Feuillet notes that several of the dances were performed by some of the most famous theatrical dancers of the time including Marie-Persée, and Cadmus et Hermione as well as Trancrède and L'Europe Galante by André Campra. The dances are notated in a system first published by Feuillet in 1700 and based on tract drawings that trace the pattern of the dance. Additionally, bar lines in the dance score correspond to bar lines in the music score. Signs written on the right or left hand side of the tract indicate the steps. 228 p 25 cm. Also reprint Westmead,U.K. 1972 Gregg Int. Pub.;LOC: MT950.F48
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710) orDanses et Contradanses1708FTBaroque from France. c. 1708-12
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger (1659-1710) orRecueil de Danses w/Malpied's Les Characters de Contradanses1711FT1711
FueilletChoregraphie, Ou L'Art De De'Crire La Dance1701FrParis
Gavina, PBalli di ieri e balli d'oggi1922IL#195 Milano, U. Hoepli, 1922. 375 p 16 cm.;LOC: GV1601.G3 1922
Gavina, PIl ballo: storia della danza, balli girati, contraddanze, cotillon, danze locali, feste di ballo, igiene del ballo, di P. Gavina; con 103 figure intercalate nel testo1905ILMilano, U. Hoepli, 1905. vii, 265 p. illus. 15 cm.;LOC: GV1601.G3
Gawlikowski, PhilippeGuide Complet De La Danse1864cFRParis. Different from 1862 edition
Gawlikowski, PhilippeGuide Complet de la Danse. Contenant le quadrille, la polka, la polka-mazurka ... avec la musique, par Gawlikowski ...1858FLPTj#084 Paris, Taride, 1858. Also troiseme edition 1862. An excellent manual for description of mid nineteenth-century social dances, Gawlikowski also discusses steps and figures for the mazurka, a dance performed in the manner of a quadrille in Europe's ballrooms. Description is also given for other popular ballroom dances including the waltz, polka, schottisch, polka-mazurka, and redowa. Gawlikowski provides 38 figures for a contillon-valse, (known elsewhere as the cotillon or German), and a popular group dance performed as a series of party games usually to waltz music. 114 p 14 cm;LOC: GV1571.G28
Giovannini, FrancescoIl Ballo1914IT1914, Milano, Editore libraio Della real Casa
Giraudet, E.Methode Moderne De Danse1914cFRParis
Giraudet, E.Traité De La Danse (GRAMMAIRE DE LA DANSE)1900FRParis
Giraudet, Eugène (1861-)La danse, la tenue, le maintien, l'hygiène & l'education, seul guide complet approuvé par l'Académie; renfermant 1.000 danses de tous les pays du monde pour salons, grands bals, sociétés, théâtre, concert, bals publics, province & Étranger (500 dessins et figures) 2,000 pas chorégraphiques avec théories et 1,800 figures explicatives de cotillon ... Par Eugène Giraudet1885FLRp#247 #248 Paris [1885?]-1900. 2 v 24 cm.;LOC: GV1751.G5 vol. 1
Giraudet, Eugène (1861-)Traité de la danse; seul guide complet renfermant 200 danses différentes de salons, grands bals, sociétés, théâtre, concert, province et étranger, avec 500 dessins et figures explicatives, par Eug. Giraudet ... suivi d'un appendice contenant environ 30 danses diverses pour piano1875FLT#085 Paris [Imprimerie A. Veutin, 187-?. This is the seventeenth edition of a popular French manual that was revised into a larger edition in the mid-1880s entitled La danse, la tenue, le maintein... The manual gives a short history of dance, appropriate etiquette, and describes many of the popular ballroom dances such as the waltz, quadrille, and polka. However, the Giraudet includes many curious dances, schottisch polkée sautée, ganlovienne, and a tarentelle for twelve performers, as well as several dances from previous centuries such as the gavotte, pavane, and bourée. 287 p 22 cm;LOC: GV1751.G53
Gourdoux-Daux, J. H.De L'Art De La Danse1823FRParis
Gourdoux-Daux, J. H.Principes... Sur1811FrL'ART DE LA DANSE Paris
Gourdoux-Daux, J. H.Principles et Notions Elémentaires ou l' Art de la Danse Pour la Ville1811FTp1811, Paris, Author
Guilcher, Jean-MichelLa Contredanse et les Renouvellements de la Danse Francaise1969FT1969, Paris, Mouton & Company
Guillard, Yvesle Quadrille Terl qu'il se Dansait a' Ses Origines1988FT1988, Le Mans, La Fricassée
GuillaumeAlmanach Dansant ou Positions et Attitudes de l'Allemande1770FprParis 1770 P. et A. Also 1771
GuillaumeCharacteres de la Danse Allemande1769FT1769, Paris, Chez L'auteur
Heartz, DanielThe Basse Dance, Its Evolution c. 1450-15501963FTAnnales Musicologiques vol 6, 1958-1963, pp 287-340
Hoepli, Manuali & F. GiovanniniBallo D'Oggi1914ITr1914, Milano, Ulrico Hoepli
Huart, LouisParis Au Bal1848cFrParis
Hulot, L'AbbeInstruction sur la Danse, quatrieme ed.1842FPParis 1842 Librairie dAdrien le Clere et Cie. Polemic, no instructions.
Jattefaux, MApprenons a danser1925FTrParis, Libairie Garnier Fréres, 1920's
Kind, FriedrichW. G. Becker's Taschenbuch zum gefelligen Vergnugen1821GprLeipzig 1821 Georg J.Goschen
Kolberg, Oscar vonPolnische Tanze Sammlung...Mazurkas Fur das Pianoforte1881GpLeipzig 1881 Eigen. der Verleger
La Cuisse, deLe répertoire des bals, ou Theorie-pratique des contredanses, décrites d'une maniere aisée avec des figures démonstratives pour les pouvoir danser facilement, auxquelles on a ajouté les airs notés. Par la s.r de La Cuisse1762FLPT#213 Paris, Cailleau 1762. This is a bound collection of contredanses, figured group dances for four or more couples that were popular during the last half of the eighteenth century. Each dance is described on four pages: a title page that gives the name of the dance and its choreographer, a page of text describing the figure, a page showing the floor pattern of the dance, and a final page for the music. 3 v 20 cm.;LOC: GV1590.L3
LabordeCotillion1850FT1850, Paris, Imp. Bertauts
LabordeLe Cotillon1850cFRParis
Laborde, fils., M.La Mazourka, Album a la Mode1844FTprParis 1844 Chez Aubert et Cie.
Lagus, J.Progres De La Danse, Quatre Danses De Caractere1900FrParis
LandrinContre-danse Allemande1770FT1770, Paris, Chez autor
Landrin, fl. ca. (1760-1785)Potpourri françois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine1760FL#245 A Paris : Chez Landrin, m[archan]d de musique ét de dans[e]..., Lahante, m[aî]tre de danse 1760. This is a collection of twelve contredanses, figure-dances performed by four couples and popular during the last half of the eighteenth century. Unlike other published accounts that describe a single figure for each dance, all the dances in this collection contain a series of figures, demonstrating a closer relationship with nineteenth-century quadrilles. Although this collection contains no floor patterns, the figures for each dance are desbribed in text and appropriate music is provided. 2 v 22 cm.;LOC: GV1649.L36 1760
Landrin, fl. ca. (1760-1785)Receuil danglaise : arrangees avec leurs traits telle quel se danse ché la Reine / mis au jour par M[onsieu]r Landrin, m[ai]tre de danse ét compositeur des Traits des contre-danse.1760FL#246 A Paris : Landrin, m[archan]d de musique ét de dans[e] ... ét chez Mlle Castagnery ..., [between ca. 1760 and 1785]. This is a collection of nine English country dances with directions for the figures and appropriate music for a treble insturment. The English country dance was imported into France during the early eighteenth-century. 11 p 23 cm.;LOC: GV1796A7 L36 1760
Lasalle, Albert deDictionnaire De La Musique (with dances)1868FRParis
LeFort, CharlesL'Art De La Danse (Incl tango & bibliography)1911cFrParis
Lefebvre, A.2me Receuil De Contredanses Nouvelles, Waltz Et Allemandes1792FRLyon
Lemaire, ClaudineLes basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche = Das Tanzbüchlein der Margarete von Österreich : vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat der Handschrift MS 9085 aus dem Besitz der Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles. Kommentarband / mit Beiträgen von Claudine Lemaire, Claude Thiry, Victor Gavenda.1499GL#112 Graz, Austria : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1988. Foreword in German, the first 2 essays in French, the 3rd in English. This is a facsimile reproduction with additional commentary of a rare fifteenth-century source for the bassedanse, a Burgundian court dance. Known as Brussels manuscript 9085, it consists of twenty-five parchment leaves on black paper with gold rules and calligraphic initials in silver. Seventeen folios contain specific music and choreographies in the earliest known dance notation. Includes bibliographical references. 76 p. ; 13 x 21 cm.;LOC: GV1796.B28 B27 1988
Levitte, L.Les 15 Danses Modernes1922cFrParis
Liber BallorumDa Ferrara Domenico1460?LTna
Lopp, WashingtonLa Danse (bound with Encyclopedie Mondaine by J. Cheron)1903FTjprParis, 1903, A. Lahure, Imprimeur-Editeur
Lorenzová, Anna.Elegantní tanecník / dle rozlicných pramenu upravila Anna Lorenzová.1895CL#215 V Trebíci : Nakladatel Jindrich Lorenz, 189-. (V Dacicích : Tisk Ant. Kasalého) This diminutive manual, written in Czech, contains descriptions of popular ballroom dances including the polka, mazurka, waltz, quadrille, and polonaise. Lorenzová demonstrates that late nineteenth-century ballroom traditions were similar throughout western and eastern Europe. 125 p. 6 cm.;LOC: GV1751.L59
Louis, Maurice A.-L.Le folklore et la dance1963FPParis 1963 Maisonneuve et Larose
Lussan-BorelTraité De Danse Avec Musique1900FRParis (also 1909)
Lussan-Borel, Albin Michel, ed.Traite De Danse, Avec Musique1921FRParis
Madel, ErnstUnsangsgrunde Der Tanzkunst1801GrErsurk
Magny, MPrincipes de Choreographie1765FTp1765, Paris, Ducheane: De la Chevardiére
Magri, Gennaro, fl.Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo di Gennaro Magri1779ILTpr#115 Napoli, V. Orsino, 1779. This manual represents one of the most important sources on dance technique for the second half of the eighteenth century and is a critical link between Baroque dance and early romantic ballet. Part one is divided into sixty sections describing various aspects of dance beginning with a statement on the utility of dance, and feet positions. The manual continus with descriptions of many steps, for example, four of battemens, nine types of pas de bourrée; balloté; and twenty-three types of cabriole. Also includd is extensive information on late eighteenth-century grotesque style, especially important for the study of Italian pantomime. Part two discusses the responsibilities of a dancing master and manner of performing the minuet. The manual concludes with instructions for thirty-nine contradanze (contredanses) including one dance that is arranged for thirty-two performers. 2 v 22 cm;LOC: GV1590.M3
Malpied, NTraité sur l'art de la danse, dédié á Monsieur Gardel, l'ainé ... Par M. Malpied1770?FLTp#220 Paris, Boüin; 1770. This instructional manual describes Baroque dance steps and their correlation with music using the notation system published by Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. Additionally, the manual contains information on the minuet and also provides an extensive discussion on hand and arm positions. 122 p 22 cm. Also reprint 1972, London, Gregg International Publishers, Ltd.;LOC: GV1600.M3
Malpied, N.Traite Sur L'Art De La Danse1770FrParis
Marennes, M. le vicomte deManuel de l'homme et de la femme comme il faut1855FHParis 1855 Librarie Nouvelle (HUW-H5078.55)
Martinet, J. J.Essai, Ou Principes Élémantaires De L'Art De La Danse1797FrLausanne
MenestrierDes Ballets Anciens et Modernes1682FTParis, Rene Guignard
Minguet é Irol, Pablo dArte de danzar a la francesa, adornado con quarenta figuras, que enseñan el modo de hacer todos los diferentes passos de la danza del minuete, con todas sus reglas, y de conducir los brazos en cada passo: y en quatro figuras, el modo de danzar los tres passapies. Tambien est an escritos en solfa, para que qualquier musico los sepa tañer. Su autor Pablo Minguet e Irol ... A-nadido en esta tercera impression todos los passos, ó movimientos del danzar à la española1737SL#118 Madrid, P. Minguet, en su casa, 1737?. Published in 1758 by engraver, writer, and translator Minguet é Irol, this manual incorporates sections of Raoul-Feuillet's Choreographie (Paris, 1700) and Pierre Rameau's Le Maître de danser (Paris, 1725), although neither author is credited. Part one describes feet positions, the manner of managing one's hat, and provides a large vocabulary of steps used in eighteenth-century dance technique. Part two includes dances by Feuillet and French dancer and choreographer, Guillaume-Louis Pecour. The third section discusses contredances. The last and most interesting part, dated 1764, gives descriptions for forty-five steps used in Spanish dance. 72 p 14 cm;LOC: GV1590.M6
Moyria-Mailla, M. le comte Abel deManuel des usages et des manieres adoptes par les personnes...1847FHParis 1847 Ledoyen (HUW)
Narret, Charles6 que l'on dit pendant une Contredanse1873FT1873, Paris, E. Dentu
Narrey, CharlesCe Que L'On Dit Pendant Une Contradanse1860cFRParis
Negri, CesareLe Gratie D'amore1602ITprFacsimile of 1602 Milan ed., reprint 1969, Bologna, Forni editore. Also Translation & commentary by Yvonne Gustavia Kendall 1985, Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilm Dissertation Services
Negri, CesareNvove inventioni di balli; opera vaghissima nella quale si danno i giusti modi del ben portar la vita, et di accommodarsi con ogni leggiadria di mouimento alle creanze et gratie d'amore. Conueneuoli a tutti i cavalieri, & dame, per ogni sorte di ballo, balletto, & brando d'Italia, di Spagna & di Francia. Con figure ... in rame et regole della musica et intauolatura quali si richieggono al suono et al canto. Divisa in tre trattati ..1604IL#121 Milano, G. Bordone, 1604. Originally published as Le gratie d'amore in 1602, this manual is considered one of them most valuable and diverse primary sources on Italian court dance. Divided into three parts, the first part illuminates the career and students of dancing master Cesare Negri (ca. 1536-ca. 1604; also known as Il Trombone); the second is devoted to the era's most virtuosic dance type, the galliard; and the third section details a wide repertory of additional steps utilized in the treatise's forty-three choreographies. Many of the choreographies are preceded by full-page illustrations and each dance is provided with appropriate music written in Italian lute tablature and/or mensural notation. 300 p 33 cm;LOC: GV1590.N4 1604 Rosenwald Coll
Nott, Prof. F. X. C.Quadrilles, &c, &c.1867FrParis, Kentucky
P. Martinon, ed.Almanach De La Polka1845FrParis
Paschens, JohannBeschreibung wahrer Tanz-Kunst1707GPMunich, Ger 1978 Heimeran Verlag
Paul, FLe cotillon et les quadrilles actuels; traité théorique et pratique, par F. Paul1877FL#132 Paris, E. Gérard et cie, 1877. This manual provides instructions for the figures of five quadrilles including one for three couples (rather than the normal four couples). However, the main focus of the book is on the cotillon (also known as the German), a group dance consisting of a series of party games of figures. The manual provides 182 figures. 157 p 25 cm;LOC: GV1763.P3
Pecour, LouisEntrees de Ballet1712FT1712, Paris, Gaudrau, Baroque from France
Pecour, LouisRecueil de Dances (With: La Nouvelle Gaillarde)1700FTp1700, Paris; reprint 1970, London, Gregg International Publishers, Ltd.
Pellicer, Condesa Stell yDanzas Modernas1915SrMadrid
Peters, Prof. A.Le Fox-Trot, La Scittisch Espagnole1920cFrParis
Peters, Prof. A.Le Tango Les Nouveau pas du Tango1920?FrParis
Pfefferkorn, George J.Ist tanzen Sünde? Von G. J. Pfefferkorn1901GL#137 Chippewa Falls, Wis. c1901. This antidance treatise was directed at the large German-speaking population that settled in the mid-western section of the United States. Pfefferkorn's two main arguments are common in this genre of literature: dance is a waste of time and money and, additionally, is bad for the health. The author concludes that dance is sinful and dangerous, leading to carnal appetites and immoral thoughts and actions. 66 p. 19 cm.;LOC: GV1741.P52
Piacenza, Domenico daDe Arte Saltandi Et Choreas Ducendj1425cFrParis Ms.
Platina Bart.de Sacchi di PiadenaDe honesta voluptate1475IPSt. Louis, MO 1967 Mallinckrodt Mallinckrodt Collection of Food Classics, Vol. V
PolkariusAlmanach Manuel de la Danse Par Polkarius precede d'une histoire anecdatique, theorique et comiqui de la danse ancienne et moderne1860FTjprParis, DeLarue, Libraire-Editeur; rue des grands-augustins, 3
Racinet, AlbertHistoire du Costume1888FT1888, reprint 1988, Paris, Book King International
RameauLe Maitre A Danser1725FrParis (Also, Cyril Beaumont translation)
Rameau, PierreAbbregé de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'écrire ou de tra cer toutes sortes, de danses de ville ... mise au jour par le sr. Rameau ... Ouvrage très utile pour toutes personnes qui ont sçu ou qui apprennent à danser, puis que par le secour de ce livre, on peut se remettre facilement dans toutes les danses que l'on à appris1725FLp#141 Paris, Chez l'auteur, faubourg St Germain 1725. The first part of this manual discusses performance of various steps including demi coupé, bourée, chassé, and pirouette. Through the use of text and tables, Rameau also provides discussion on an improved and simplified version of Feuillet notation, the eighteenth-century system of recording dances. The second part of the text consists of notations for twelve duets choreographed by French dancer and choreographer, Guillaume-Louis Pecour. 111 p 83 p 20 cm. Also 1700, reprint 1972, London, Gregg International Publishers, Ltd.;LOC: GV1590.R28 1725
Rameau, PierreLe maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la régularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas ... Par le sieur Rameau..1748FLT#142 Paris, Rollin fils, 1748. Originally published in 1725 and reissued in 1734 and 1748 by French dancing master and writer Pierre Rameau (1674-1748), this is one of the most important sources for the study and reconstruction of eighteenth-century dance technique. Part one of the text (with accompanying full-page plates) carefully describes the appropriate manner of walking, feet positions, bows, and a large vocabulary of steps. Part two covers use of the arms while dancing. The manual was translated into English in 1728 by dancer and dancing master, John Essex. 271 p 20 cm.;LOC: GV1590.R3 Office
Rivera, MaxLe Tango Et Les Danses Nouvelles1913FrParis
Robert, L.Theorie Du Vrai Tango Argentin1911FRParis
Roller, Franz AntonSystematisches Lehrbuch Der Bildenden Tanzkunst1843GrWeimar
Rozier, VictorLes Bals Publics A Paris1855FRParis
Saint-Leon, Michel Ala Sténochoregraphie1830FT1830, Paris, Bertauts printer
Soria Fils, Henri deManuel du Maintien et de la Danse1895FprParis c.1895 Enoch & Cie
Tikhomirov, Aleksei DmitrievichSamouchitel modnykh bal' nykh I kharakternykh tantsev1901RL#157 Moskva, 1901. Translated as "Self-tutor of fashionable social and characteristic dances," this is an important Russian-language manual that describes the role of social dance, the importance of proper bearing, bows, introductions, and etiquette. Many of the same are the same as those performed in the ballrooms of western Europe, such as the waltz, quadrille, polonaise, polka, pas de patinier. Other dances are more interesting--the mazurka, pas de'Espagne, Hongroise, csárdas, and kamarinskaya. The descriptions are enhanced by diagrams and drawings. Some of the dance titles are written in French, the prevailing language of the ballroom. 155 p 22 cm;LOC: GV1753 .T5
Toulouze, MichelL'Art Et Instruction De Bien Dancer1488FrParis
Vernier, Charles, illus.La Polkamanie1844cFRParis
Vestris, Desire'Les Danses d' Autrefois 9: De la Pavane a la Gavotte1850?FTParis, C. Marron et E. Flammarion editeurs
Vitu, Auuste & Paul FarnesePhysiologie de la Polka (polemic rather than instructional)1844FpParis 1844 Chez L'Editeur
Voestyn, EugeneLe Livre De La Danse Des Salons1850cFrParis
Voiart, Élise, Mme. (1786-1866)Essai sur la danse antique et moderne ... Par Mme Élise Voiart1823FL#160 Paris, Audot, 1823. All of Mme. Voiart's manual is devoted to the history of dance. Quoting heavily from many previously published materials, including a number of travelogues, this book discusses the origins of dance and devotes a chapter each to Greek and Roman dance. The second part of the book discusses transition to what the author terms "modern dance," in this case the court dances of France. In examining the dances of the French Baroque court, Mme. Voiart (1786-1866) refers to a great variety of dances including the courante, minuet, and gavotte as well as dances from at least one hundred years earlier such as the pavane and branle. Demonstrating an interest in non-European dance, the book also discusses dance as practiced in other parts of the world including Norway, Canada, the Sioux of Missouri, and Africa. Although the scholarship, by contemporary standards, is seriously flawed, the book is part of the large body of literature that has influenced the writing of dance history for more than one hundred years. 251 p 18 cm.;LOC: GV1590.V7
Warner, CharlesTraité De Danses, Avec Musique1936FRParis
Warner, CharlesTraité de Danse1915FTincl. 1-Step, Fox-Trot, Quick-Step, Slow-Fox, Fox-Blues. 1915
Warnod, AndréLes Bals De Paris1860cFRParis
Weber, PaulSchulle-Drei Jahrtausende in Bildern1980GT1980, Stuttgart, Germany, At Verlag
Werth, LéonDanse, Danseurs, Dancings1925FRParis
illus, Charles Vernier,La Rigolbochomanie1858cFrParis
naContredanses; description des figures, plan des figures1790FL#096 Paris, [17--]. This is a bound collection of over eighty-five late eighteenth-century contredanses and contredanse variants such as contredanse francaise; contredanse allemande; and contredanse anglaise, each choreographed by well-known dancing masters and dancers including Philip Desnoyers, Marie Allard, Landrin, and Denis. Each contredanse consists of a title page, a page for description of the figures, another for the floor plan, and a fourth page for the music. Although most contredanses were designed for four couples facing in a square, this collection contains dances for up to twelve performers. 5 v 21-22 cm.;LOC: MT950.C77 (Case)
naDanse et de Maintien de Belgique, l'Union Professionnelle des Profs. de; Guide de Danseur: 1924-19251924FT1924, Bruxelles/Anvers, Congres International de Bruxelles
naVade-Mecum Du Parfait Danseur1920FrParis