prev Ben Piper - 30 January 2005 next

The question, "Who killed Saul (in the time of David)?" is in gross error. The quiz supplies two passages, 1 Samuel 31:4 and 2 Samuel 1:8-10. What your quiz fails to acknowledge, however, is that 2 Samuel 1:8-10 is NOT REFERRING TO SAUL. If you read the verses, you will find Saul's name nowhere in there. Furthermore, if you go to the beginning of the chapter (vv. 1-2) you will see that Saul is already dead, and that the person referenced in v. 10 is introduced in v. 2. I do not expect you to put this email on your Feedback page, as it undercuts the entire point of your quiz. But perhaps you should reconsider not only your quiz contents, but your own beliefs as well.

Ben Piper

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